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Talk: "Let’s Make Robots go Emotional"


Let’s Make Robots go Emotional

By Prof. Paulo Menezes (University of Coimbra)
Coordinates: room TD1017AA, Wednesday 4 DEC, 15 H


As developers of robots we may not forget their main purpose of helping humans. As we can say that humans are mostly driven by emotions, should we take it into account in the development process? In an ageing society robots may eventually play important roles and we may easily understand the need of emotional connections. Conversely this seems somewhat odd when talking about industrial robots. In this talk we will move from HCI to HRI and will try to understand to which extent developing an interactive computer application differs from creating a more or less interactive robot.


Paulo Menezes is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Coimbra where he teaches Computer Architecture, Computer Graphics and Augmented Reality, Interactive Systems and Robotics and Computer Vision. He is a senior researcher at the Institute of Systems and Robotics, where  he leads the recently created  Immersive Systems and Sensory Stimulation Laboratory - IS3Lab, and a member of the Cognitive Systems group. He is also a collaborator of the University of Porto LAETA-UISPA  research unity,  and member of several communities such as IEEE-RAS, IEEE-SMC, EuroGraphics and IGIP. He has participated in several  European and National Projects such as the ongoing EuroAGE and LifeBots and Tooling4G. 

Link to UJI agenda.