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Seminar "Human Embodiment in Tele-Operation Driving Tasks", by Dr. Paulo Menezes

On 11th November, Dr. Paulo Menezes will held the seminar "Human Embodiment in Tele-Operation Driving Tasks". 

This seminar presents a new interaction mechanism for tele-operating a mobile robot. The approach explores the notion of telepresence and physical embodiment to create what may be called tele-embodiment. Its principle is that the operator will see himself at the remote site and this will enable him/her to better operate the robot. Four interaction styles were experimentally compared, from the traditional joystick approaches to more innovative based on natural body posture intentions. The environment perception is provided by the visual feedback, according to head pose behaviour. The results show that the gesture and body based methods improves the user dexterity performing this kind of task. Moreover, the present study suggests that, when a person is focused on the task, achieving the ownership illusion towards remote body, there are autonomic responses that correspond to what would be expected in events that take place in reality (like avoiding collisions).

The slides can be downloaded here.