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Jaume I Robotic Labs' Open House

La Semana Europea de la Robótica (European Robotics Week, ERW) fue concebida en el European Robotics Forum 2011 por el deseo de la comunidad robótica europea de acercar la investigación y desarrollos en robótica al público en general y construir la sociedad Robótica Futura.

7th workshop on maritime automation (Automar 2017)

The IRSLab is glad to announce the organization of the 7th workshop on maritime automation (Automar 2017), which will be held on May, 4-5, 2017. 

AUTOMAR is research network for automation and robotic focus on marine and oceanic industries and sciences. It brings together researchers from Universities, Research Centers and various industries linked to the naval, Energy, etc., and includes knowledge ranging from Naval Construction to Oceanology, through Marine Renewable Energies or Submarine Robotics, with clear interest in improving competitiveness in producing countries in the East.

IRSLab summer school 2015 on mobile manipulators

Summer School on Mobile Manipulators
UJI, July 13-14, 2015

The Interactive and Robotics Systems Laboratory (IRS-Lab) is organizing an international Summer School on Mobile Manipulators, funded by the Spanish Ministry, that will held on July 13-14, 2015 in Castellón, Spain, UJI (Universitat Jaume-I). It is worth mentioning the unusual focus, in a single event, of so many different dimensions concerning mobile manipulators (ground, air and underwater), highlighting so, potential synergies among them.

All the info is available at: