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This XML block is one of the main blocks available when Configuring and creating scenes, is used for configuring the ocean parameters. Allowing to configure from a calm blue ocean to a choppy one with big waves. This is done through osgOcean [1].

XML syntax

Every tag in this section is optional, so if it's not filled default values will be applied. The parameters that can be configured are:

  • windx,windy: X and Y wind force.
  • windSpeed: Wind speed. Will affect to the amount and height of waves.
  • depth: Sets the ocean's meters height.
  • reflectionDamping: Amount of water reflexed light.
  • waveScale: This parameter decides the wave height, 1e-7 is a reasonable value.
  • isNotChoppy: Set the waves to be choppy.
  • choppyFactor: How choppy the waves are.
  • crestFoamHeight: How high the waves need to be before foam forms on the crest.
  • oceanSurfaceHeight: Z position of the ocean surface in world coordinates.
  • fog: Determines underwater visibility.
    • density: Underwater fog density, modifies particle number and visibility.
    • color: Underwater fog color (RGB parameters).
  • color: Set the water color (RGB parameters).
  • attenuation: Changes underwater light behaviour.